Chemical Creek

Yesterday, Nine News revealed that a government contracted company has potentially been violating the Environmental Protection Act, by releasing chemicals from pesticides into nearby waterways.
Studies have shown that these waterways have been exposed to over two dozen types of harmful chemicals, suggested to have been caused by employees rinsing their contaminated equipment into the area.
"Concerns have been raised over potential breaches of the Environmental Protection Act by a Government Contracted Company, after employees from pesticide company Austspray were filmed cleaning their equipment next to a South-East creek." - Nine News Queensland
CCI – Water Management was initiated in Australia following various Environmental incidents like this. The common identified issue related to contaminants either being washed from machinery or spraying equipment in turf applications. Without appropriate design or bioremediation treatment systems such contaminants simply were let untreated and were exposed through lack for knowledge into the environment with detrimental effects.
Through partnership with ESD Waste 2 Water in the USA, CCI – Water Management are now at the forefront in providing custom “Environmental Centres” with our clients to contain, manage and treat any hydrocarbon based contaminates with custom solutions for various site applications.
The wash bay area at your golf club is perhaps the most significant source of pollutant constituents in storm water runoff from the course. Other maintenance area activities such as the storage of fuels and the mixing and loading of chemicals simply contribute to the high environmental risks associated with operating a maintenance area.
By addressing this high risk area your club will:
- minimize the potential for an environmental incident
- minimize the potential for environmental fines and prosecutions
- demonstrate compliance
- demonstrate due diligence
- improve the club’s environmental profile
ESD’s well-designed and environmentally friendly equipment washing areas can perform many valuable functions including:
- Minimizing environmental impacts
- Limiting facility liability by complying with applicable laws
- Recycling waste water to lower operating and maintenance costs
- Maintaining equipment performance
- Improving worker health and safety
To learn more about how your club and the environment can benefit from ESD Waste2Water treatment systems, visit our Water Management page, call us on 1300 138 804, or get in touch with CCI through our Contact page.